These linen-cotton place mats and napkins were created from a series of photographs that I took of antique linens given to me by my mother-in-law. The originals were linen, with appliqued cherries and embroidered stems and leaves. These reproductions are merely printed - but the effects of the applique and embroidery show up very neatly! [See the detail picture.]
I did not make much use of the originals: They seemed like luncheon place mats and napkins. Back then I did very little daytime entertaining. Now I am of an age where at least lunch doesn't interfere with my bedtime! But when I got them out to use, time had worn holes in them.
The white napkins measure approximately 17" sq. and the place mats, 17" x 14". They are specially sewn with mitered corners. Organic linen and cotton blend fabric is easy to wash and iron.
Sold individually so you can buy the exact number YOU need! Discounts for 2 or more (place mats or napkins).